Few Strategies To Incorporate Nourishing Foods In Your Child’s Diet

Discover effective strategies to include nourishing foods in your child's diet by inculcating a healthy relationship with all kinds of food. Nurture their well-being with delicious and nutritious meals!

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Here are a

Few strategies to incorporate nourishing foods in your child’s diet

mentioned by Clinical Nutritionist Karena Adnani in her article Kids Nutrition in  

  1. Purchase No-Prep foods: 

Stock your pantry with few easy-to-eat healthy food items that require no cooking like, ‘Date Energy balls’ made with natural sugar to beat lethargy, yogurt or ‘yakult’ to improve upon gut health and digestion, as well as ‘unsweetened berries’ or nuts which prove to be satiating foods packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants. 

  1. Inculcate a healthy relationship with food: 

The last thing you want is for your children to associate negative emotions with food by scolding or forcing them to eat healthy. Instead spark interest in colorful food preparations by including your children in the cooking process. Teach them the value of nutrients packed in various items, such as carrots for eye health or walnuts for brain health and memory. One can also make it more appealing for them by creating a scene on their plate eg. pineapple for the sun or cauliflower for clouds. 

  1. Sneak in immune-supportive ingredients:

For some fussy-eaters and children who frown upon vegetables or fruits, try and hide immunity-boosting phytonutrients in popular recipes. Use an iron-packed spinach and basil sauce for their pasta or fold in some carotenoid-loaded sweet potato and beetroot into a colorful cutlet. Shred or grate anti-oxidant rich vegetables such as bell peppers, broccoli or carrots into rice, noodles, or a sandwich to elevate the nutritional content. 


  1. Snack Swaps: 

Devising small snack breaks for the children can be a good idea to provide that much needed time off screen usage. Instead of chips, offer some cut vegetable sticks with a protein-rich hummus dip! Replace caramel or salted popcorn with jaggery makhana with seeds of choice. A healthy smoothie with their favorite fruit and milk is great alternative to ice cream or junk sweets. 

  1. Load up on basics: 

Immunity is not an overnight fix but a process and even though quick remedies are welcome one must not forget the importance of a balanced diversified meal with all the necessary macronutrients and micronutrients. A simple rule to ensure your child gets adequate nutrients is to include ‘Two- a – day’ of protein, vegetables, fruits, and grains. 

  1. Hydration is key: 

Water helps carry nutrients in the body and aids in digestion. It also flushes out toxins and germs that cause illness from the system. Instead of soda or carbonated beverages, give your child lemon barley water or water infused with mint and cucumber. Immunity-boosting kadas with tulsi and ginger or turmeric milk can also be given to help increase resistance to infection. 

  1. Don’t forget physical activity: 

With increased screen time and low attention span, one can try some focus building activities around the house like a board game, treasure hunt, and puzzles with the children. Set a time slot aside and exercise together as a family. Children tend to imprint their parents and learn best by observing, so make sure you set a good example. 

  1. Boost sleep time and ensure a stress free environment: 

Insufficient sleep or sleep deprivation is known to dampen the immune response and reduce natural killer cells that attack microbes. Make sure your child is getting 10-12 hours of good quality sleep. Moreover, constant news or social media exposure can be a trigger for some children so limit consumption of information to 30 minutes a day and practice meditation or deep breathing techniques with them.


For kids who are currently on breast milk, mothers should nurse them for as long as possible, as nothing strengthens the immunity of an infant child as much as breast milk does.